Tuesday, February 9, 2016



1.     ________ refers to paid nonpersonal communication usually targeted at large numbers of potential buyers.
2.     Many companies consider personal selling the key to marketing effectiveness.
3.     ________ is personal selling conducted by telephone, provides a firm’s marketers with a high return on their expenditures, an immediate response, and an opportunity for personalized two-way conversation.
4.     ________ is a nonpersonal stimulation of demand for a good, service, place, idea, event, person, or organization by unpaid placement of information in print or broadcast media.
5.     Online and interactive media have not changed the nature of advertising.
6.     Although both field selling and telemarketing involve this activity, ________ is most often related to retail and wholesale firms.
7.     ________ is the coordination of all promotional activities – media advertising, direct mail, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations – to produce a unified, customer-focused promotional strategy.
8.     ________ is a persuasive type of promotional presentation.
9.     Manufacturers and other sellers often exhibit at ________ to promote goods or services to members of their distribution channels.
10.   Marketers can choose between two general promotion strategies:
11.   The goal of a ________ sales promotion is to get new and existing customers to try or buy products.
12.   ________ are the most common objectives included in the strategic plans of most firms.
13.   A ________ is a gift of a product distributed by mail, door to door, in a demonstration, or inside packages of another product.
14.   ________ are promotional items that prominently display a firm’s name, logo, or business slogan.
15.   ________ is the form of promotion in which marketers pay placement fees to have their products showcased in various media, ranging from newspapers and magazines to television and movies.
16.   ________ establishes a relatively high price to develop and maintain an image of quality and exclusiveness.
17.   A minor portion of U.S. advertising is information oriented.
18.   The average U.S. household receives about 550 pieces of direct mail each year, including 100 catalogs.
19.   ________ refers to an organization’s communications and relationships with its various public audiences.
20.   A firm uses informative advertising to build initial demand for a product in the introductory phase of the product life cycle.

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