Tuesday, February 9, 2016



CIS 106 Final Exam Version 2
1.     Green computing is often associated with supporting the triple bottom line known as:
2.     All of the following are risks associated with IS outsourcing EXCEPT:
3.     Which one of the following is a driver for outsourcing?
4.     An organization may convert from an old system to a new system by choosing to run both the old and new systems at the same time until the new system is fully accepted. This is known as __________.
5.     ______________ organizations scatter IT components in different locations to address local business needs.
6.     Knowledge management is the process that generates, captures, codifies and __________ knowledge across an organization in order to achieve a competitive advantage.
7.     What principles, developed in 2000 by the US Department of Commerce (DOC) in consultation with the European Commission, allow U.S. companies to be placed on a list maintained by the DOC?
8.     This financial calculation provides a percentage rate that measures the relationship between the amount the business gets back from an investment and the amount invested.
9.     Knowledge that has been identified, captured, and leveraged to produce higher-value goods or services or some other competitive advantage for the firm is called:
10.   Activity based costing _____________
11.   This is the term used to describe ethical dilemmas that arise with the development and application of IT.
12.   In todayÆs hypercompetitive business environment, firms that have strong project management skills have a higher likelihood of success because they are able to:
13.   In the chapter, there is the statement, ôInternet companies are in business for the money and hence they really would prefer to keep their customers in the dark about how their personal data is being used to generate profitsö. Assuming this statement is true, with which ethical theory would you say these Internet companies are most aligned?
14.   Outsourcing providers have more experience dealing with a large number of IS staff and as a result, are often good at doing all of the following EXCEPT:
15.   What does PMO stand for?
16.   In 1989, Kodak chose a(n) _____ approach to outsourcing IS activities and chose to work with suppliers like IBM, DEC and Businessland. This approach was soon dominated by other firms.
17.   What is at the center of the project triangle?
18.   All of the following are main processes of knowledge management EXCEPT:
19.   If a company decides to make and develop IS, they are using this type of sourcing.
20.   IT is traditionally focused on _________________________.
21.   Organizations chose to outsource IT activities for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
22.   Which of the following should a manager expect from the IS organization?
23.   This is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.
24.   The European Union Directive on Data Protection does all of the following EXCEPT:
25.   This is a text message that is stored on a userÆs computer by a Web server that helps trace the userÆs browsing habits.

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