Tuesday, February 9, 2016



CIS 175 Week 9 Quiz 8
This quiz consist of 30 multiple choice questions. The first 15 questions cover the material in Chapter 11. The second 15 questions cover the material in Chapter 12.
1.     How has the increasing importance of the U.S. service sector contributed to the slowdown in economic growth?
2.     Which group is responsible for announcing the dates for each phase of a U.S. business cycle?
3.     Which of the following focuses primarily on aggregate supply variables?
4.     What do you call business cycle theories based on the belief that economic activity follows general trends of optimism and pessimism?
5.     A decline in the level of economic activity occurs during which phase of the business cycle?
6.     The most commonly used tool to forecast future changes in economic activity is the
7.     According to Real Business Cycle Theory, the primary factor that increases aggregate supply is
8.     In response to an economic recession, monetary theories of the business cycle predict that the Federal Reserve would
9.     Human capital refers to
10.   Which of the following terms is used to describe the purchase of capital?
11.   When economic output hits a short-run economic low, the economy is in which phase of the business cycle?
12.   What are the two primary determinants of economic growth?
13.   Which of the following lists the four phases of the business cycle in the correct sequence?
14.   For an economy to expand its investment in the production of capital goods, it must
15.   Saving in an economy is important for economic growth because
16.   Banks make loans from their
17.   A collateralized debt obligation (or CDO)
18.   A capital gain exists
19.   The quantity theory of money emphasizes
20.   A stock is
21.   The money multiplier is
22.   Commercial banks 
23.   To reduce inflationary pressures, the Federal Reserve authorities should
24.   A mortgage backed security is
25.   Home equity loans
26.   The equation of exchange is
27.   The interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) is
28.   The basic money supply is
29.   M2 includes
30.   A dividend


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