Wednesday, February 10, 2016

LEG 110 QUIZ 7 (2)


LEG 110 Quiz 7
This quiz consist of 10 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapter 12.
1.     Toby and Rita Kahr were owners of 28 pieces of sterling silver that Rita’s father had given them as a wedding present 27 years previously. Each piece of silver was engraved with the letter “K.” On April 5, 1983, the Kahrs brought used clothing to Goodwill Industries and told Goodwill personnel that they wanted to make a donation of clothing. Unknown to Toby and Rita, the sterling silver, along with a wallet containing their credit cards, was included in their sacks. The Kahrs called Goodwill two hours later, when they realized what happened, and were told that the silver had been sold for $15 to Karen Markland. The Kahrs alleged that the silver had a value of $3,791. The Kahrs brought a replevin action against Goodwill and Markland to recover the silver.
2.     In which of the following situations has a mutual benefit bailment been created?
3.     One important criterion for determining whether a certain property is a fixture is that a fixture
4.     Which of the following properties would not be properly classified as a fixture?
5.     The Bartons own 10 acres of land. One day they look out of their window and see the state highway department digging up one end of their property. When they speak with the head of the road crew, they learn for the first time that their land has been taken by the state to be used for a new highway, pursuant to a statute that requires only that notice of the taking be advertised in a newspaper for 10 consecutive days. The Bartons think that this is unfair, and sue the state. Most likely the Bartons will
6.     Which of the following is not a way in which personal property can be acquired?
7.     Michael and Andrea King purchased a tract of land 50 feet wide by 150 feet long from John and Anne Smith in 1950. Instead of having the land surveyed, Michael and John paced off the lot and placed stakes in the ground to mark the boundary line. Michael and Andrea built a house on their lot and in 1952 installed a concrete driveway on the edge of their property that they believed to be 30 inches from their property line with the Smiths. In the 30-inch strip they put topsoil and planted grass. John died in 1983, and Anne hired a surveyor to survey her lot. After the surveyor determined that the 30-inch strip actually was part of her lot, Anne had a fence constructed adjacent to the edge of the driveway. Michael and Andrea filed suit, claiming that they had title to the 30-inch strip.
8.     Leonard and Bernard are philatelists. In 1989, they purchased two sets of stamps that by 1996 were worth $150,000. The brothers believed themselves to be in possession of these stamps until 1996, when they saw an advertisement in a nationally circulated stamp magazine offering them for sale. The brothers brought suit against the current possessor, Robert, to recover possession of the stamps. Robert claimed ownership because he found the stamps inside a dresser he had purchased in a used furniture store. Who should the law recognize as having title to the stamps?
9.     An easement differs from a license in that
10.   A mutual benefit bailment exists when a person

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