Wednesday, February 10, 2016



LEG 500 Week 5 Midterm Exam
This exam consist of 25 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapters 1 through 4.
1.     Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the rights of shareholders?
2.     Corporate director or officer decisions to dedicate corporate  funds for social causes is called:
3.     The best example of a source for virtue ethics for a business is
4.     Which of the following statements best illustrates the view of “utilitarianism”?
5.     According to Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which of the following is not a reason to allow corporations the right to spend money and advertise for political candidates?
6.     A set of principles that encourage decision makers to look at human relationships as a primary motivator for a decision. 
7.     Which of the following views on outsourcing would be consistent with the free market ethics approach advocated by Milton Friedman?
8.     Exceptions to the rule of employment-at-will include which of the following?
9.     To determine whether a public employee receives First Amendment protection from speech (and therefore cannot be fired for it), the Supreme Court has stated that all of the following are important except:
10.   The Constitution does not always protect free-speech rights for what public employees say on the job.  Which of the following is true?
11.   In the essay, Work Matters, by law professor Marion Crain, all of the following are the result of working except:
12.   There are several reasons why whistleblowing may not be protected on an international level.  These include:
13.   Under the legal doctrine of “employment at will” an employee can be lawfully terminated from her job for:
14.   A majority of states have enacted "lifestyle rights laws" that protect workers' off-duty activities including cases of smoking, cohabitation, drinking. and single parenthood.  What is the least effective argument by an employer to regulate off-the-clock activities in a state that has not enacted such lifestyle rights legislation?
15.   The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA):
16.   The United States Constitution, Fourth Amendment provides "[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated... "  Privacy rights are triggered under the Fourth Amendment:
17.   The most recent major privacy law passed by Congress was the
18.   According to the article excerpted in the text entitled, The Functions of Privacy, by Alan Westin, privacy has several functions in today’s society. These include:
19.   One reason employers use to justify giving honesty or integrity tests is:
20.   All of the following are true statements regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA, 29 U.S.C. §§ 2601, et seq.), EXCEPT which of the following?
21.   Equal protection is the constitutional guarantee:
22.   To establish a prima facie case of religious discrimination, the employee has to show all of the following except which one:
23.   A mayor serving in a major metropolitan area receives an internal memorandum indicating personnel at many police stations are single-race.  At the time of the report, thirty percent of the police force was black or Hispanic.  She immediately calls a press conference and orders transfer of police officers to achieve racial balance across the city.  The transferred police offers sue on constitutional grounds.  Assuming just these facts, what is the strongest argument that might be advanced by the transferred officers based on constitutional grounds?
24.   Employment practices without business justification applied to all employees that result in a less favorable effect for one group than for another group may state a claim for:
25.   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.  Which of the following federal government agencies is charged with enforcing this statute?

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