Tuesday, February 9, 2016



CIS 210 Midterm

1.     If it will take one person 20 days to perform a particular task, it is true that two people could complete the same task in 10 days or that 10 people could perform the task in two days.
2.     Gantt charts are an ideal tool for controlling a complex project because they provide plenty of detailed information.
3.     PERT/CPM and Gantt charts are mutually exclusive techniques.
4.     In a preliminary investigation report, the ____ contain(s) a brief description of the system, the name of the person or group performing the investigation, and the name of the person or group who initiated the investigation.
5.     A class diagram resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows the actions and events as they occur.
6.     When you identify use cases, it is important to keep all related transactions separate.
7.     After you identify the objects, classes, and relationships, you are ready to prepare an object relationship diagram that will provide an overview of the system.
8.     When you create an object relationship diagram, it will serve as a guide as you continue to develop additional diagrams and documentation.
9.     When building an information system, all of the following basic guidelines should be considered except ____.
10.   Problems with timetables and project milestones can indicate ____.
11.   Agile methods typically use a(n) ____model, which represents a series of iterations based on user feedback.
12.   In the model of the SDLC shown in the accompanying figure, during ____, the IT staff maintains, enhances, and protects the system.
13.   Sequence diagrams include symbols that represent all of the following EXCEPT ____.
14.   Creating a standard list of interview questions helps a systems analyst to keep on track and avoid unnecessary tangents.
15.   When fact-finding, asking what is being done is the same as asking what could or should be done.
16.   In a DFD, processes contain the business logic, also called business rules, that transform the data and produce the required results.
17.   In a data dictionary, some data elements have ____ rules, such as an employeeÆs salary must be within the range defined for the employeeÆs job classification.
18.   A(n) ____ table shows a logical structure, with all possible combinations of conditions and resulting actions.
19.   ____ also is called looping.
20.   A data dictionary specifies a data elementÆs ____, which is the set of values permitted for the data element.
21.   A common tool for showing the distribution of a questionnaire or sampling results is a vertical bar chart called a(n) ____.
22.   A ____, such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Organizer, can help manage meetings, interviews, appointments, and deadlines and provide a personal calendar and a to-do list, with priorities and the capability to check off completed items.
23.   Most large companies rely on one person to evaluate systems requests instead of a committee.
24.   When assessing schedule feasibility, a systems analyst must consider the interaction between time and costs.
25.   Whenever possible, a systems analyst should evaluate a proposed project based on tangible costs and benefits that represent actual (or approximate) dollar values.


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