Tuesday, February 9, 2016



CIS 273 Week 5 Midterm
1.     The color scheme that uses two hues close to one another on the color wheel in which one color is the dominant color and the other is a supporting color used only for highlights and nuance is _____.
2.     ______ measures the brightness of the color and ranges from 0% (black) up to 100% (white).
3.     CSS supports styles to define both the text and ______ color for each element on your page.
4.     Adding all three primary colors–red, green and blue–at maximum intensity produces the color _____, while adding any two of the three primary colors at maximum intensity produces the trio of complementary colors—yellow, magenta, and cyan.
5.     ____ units define a font size using one of five standard units of measurement.
6.     _____ defines how much of the colors below the surface of the current object show through to affect its appearance.
7.     To set the foreground or text color of an element, use the following property:
8.     The style sheet rules in a(n) ________ style sheet take precedence over any rules set in the browser’s internal style sheet or in a user-defined style sheet.
9.     In the hexadecimal system, 21 is expressed as ____.
10.   CSS allows RGB values to be entered as ____.
11.   Many Web browsers now include _______ tools to allow page designers to
track each style back to its source.
12.   A(n) ____ represents a single dot on the output device.
13.   Yellow has the triplet ____.
14.   To apply the styles to every element nested within the body element, the style rule uses a(n) ____ selector.
15.   An element placed with absolute or relative positioning ____ with the document content.
16.   ____ positioning is essentially the same as not using any CSS positioning at all.
17.   ____ is the repetition or alternation of a design element in order to provide a sense of movement, flow, and progress.
18.   Which pseudo-element can be used to create a drop cap?
19.   With the overflow property, a value of ____ instructs browsers to increase the height of an element to fit the overflow content.
20.   A ____ background image can be used to create a watermark effect, in which a subtle, often translucent graphic is displayed behind elements to mimic the watermarks found on some specialized stationery.
21.   The outline design style that creates the effect of an outline raised from the page is ____.
22.   The size and appearance of the four sections of the CSS box model control how an element is displayed by browsers and play an important role in determining page ____.
23.   The ____ value of the overflow style keeps the element at the specified height and width, but cuts off excess content.
24.   Browsers ignore any values specified for the left or top properties under ____ positioning.
25.   A popular design element is the ____, which consists of an enlarged initial letter in a body of text that drops down into the text body.
26.   ____ allows you to specify multiple images and their properties in a comma-separated list.
27.   If a network covers several buildings or cities, it is called a ____.
28.   To add notes or comments, insert a comment tag using the syntax ______
29.   Another empty element is hr, the horizontal ____ element, which marks a major topic change within a section.
30.   Most Web browsers use a fill-in _____ for unordered lists.
31.   A text-level element does not start out on a new line, but instead flows alongside of, or ____ with, the rest of the characters in the grouping element.
32.   ______ includes the blank spaces, tabs, and line breaks found within the file.
33.   A ____ language is a language used to describe the content and structure of documents.
34.   The doctype is used by ______, which are programs that examine document code to ensure that it meets all the syntax requirements of the specified language.
35.   Modernizr is a free, _____, MIT-licensed JavaScript library of functions that provides support for many HTML5 elements and for the newest CSS styles.
36.   A(n) ____ list is used to display information in sequential order.
37.   A Web ____ makes a page available to users of the Web.
38.   A group of Web developers, programmers, and authors called the ____ created the HTML standards that all browser manufacturers follow.
39.   Once you know an element’s id, you can create a link to it by adding the id to the ____ tag along with the href attribute in your text file.
40.   Web page authors can take advantage of the structural elements provided by ____.
41.   Sections of most commercial Web sites are off-limits except to subscribers and registered customers and have a(n) ____ Web page that users must go through to get to the off-limits area.
42.   You link to an id or anchor using the anchor name preceded by the ____ symbol.
43.   The general syntax to create a hypertext link is ____.
44.   Every Web site includes a list containing links to main topic areas of the site called a(n) ____.
45.   Which of the following relative pathnames is interpreted as “the index.htm file is in the folder one level up in the folder tree from the current file”?
46.   You assign each anchor its own anchor name, using the ____ attribute.
47.   A(n) ____ path specifies the location for a file in relation to the folder containing the current Web document.
48.   The links.htm file is in the same folder as the chem.html file. What is the relative pathname for the links.htm file?
49.   In an absolute pathname, after you type the name of the folder that contains the file, you type a final ____ and then the filename itself.
50.   A page containing an outline of the entire site and its content, called a(n) ____, can be supplied to users.


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