Tuesday, February 9, 2016



CIS 110 Week 11 Final Exam
1.     You can use the UML’s ____ to construct different kinds of software diagrams and model different kinds of systems.
2.     You use a(n) ____ variation when a use case is less specific than others, and you want to be able to substitute the more specific case for a general one.
3.     You use a(n) ____ variation when a case can be part of multiple use cases.
4.     When system developers omit parts of diagrams for clarity, they refer to the missing parts as ____.
5.     A(n) ____ relationship describes an association in which one or more classes make up the parts of a larger whole class.
6.     Within an event-driven program, a component from which an event is generated is the ____.
7.     Performing an operation on an icon causes a(n) ____.
8.     A ____ is a rectangular object you can click; when you do, its appearance usually changes to look pressed.
9.     Dimming a component is also called ____ the component.
10.   When you use a menu bar, it is at the top of the screen in most GUI programs, and the first menu item is almost always ____.
11.   Array elements all have the same ____ in common.
12.   In all languages, subscript values must be sequential ____.
13.   All array elements have the same group ____.
14.   Besides making your code easier to modify, using a ____ makes the code easier to understand.
15.   A program contains an array that holds all the names of the days of the week. Which of the following is true?
16.   Files exist on ____ storage devices, such as hard disks, DVDs, USB drives, and reels of magnetic tape.
17.   In most programming languages, before an application can use a data file, it must ____.
18.   Characters are made up of smaller elements called ____.
19.   When you ____ a file, it is no longer available to your application.
20.   A database holds groups of files or ____ that together serve the information needs of an organization.
21.   A variable usually is passed into a method by ____.
22.   You can think of the ____ in a method declaration as a funnel into the method.
23.   Each time a method executes, any parameter variables listed in the method header are ____.
24.   A method can return nothing, in which case the method is a ____ method.
25.   Programmers use the term ____ to describe any extra time and resources required by an operation.
26.   Usually, when you create nested loops, each loop has its own ____.
27.   A mistake programmers often make with loops is that they ____.
28.   A(n) ____ is any numeric variable you use to count the number of times an event has occurred.
29.   A(n) ____ loop executes a predetermined number of times.
30.   A loop within another loop is known as a(n) ____ loop.
31.   In a ____, items in a list are compared with each other in pairs.
32.   When you learn a method like sorting, programmers say you are learning a(n) ____.
33.   When you sort records, two possible approaches are to place related data items in parallel arrays and to ____.
34.   When you create a ____ report, the records must have been sorted in order by a key field.
35.   Because “A” is always less than “B”, alphabetic sorts are ____ sorts.
36.   Objects both in the real world and in object-oriented programming contain ____ and methods.
37.   The concept of a class is useful because of its ____.
38.   When you think in an object-oriented manner, every object is a member of a ____.
39.   Object-oriented programmers also use the term ____ when describing inheritance.
40.   The term ____ implies that the type’s data can be accessed only through methods.

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