Wednesday, February 10, 2016

LEG 110 QUIZ 5


LEG 110 Quiz 5
This quiz consist of 10 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapter 9. 
1.     A payer of alimony may petition the court for a reduced payment obligation, for example,
2.     An annulment is different from a divorce in that it
3.     Which of the following is the first step required to start the adoption process?
4.     Andrea Moorehead was abandoned by her birth mother, a crack cocaine user who had tested positive for venereal disease, shortly after birth. Andrea was placed with foster parents when she was nine days old. The foster parents, Melva and Robert Dearth, sought to adopt Andrea when she was 10 months old. The Dearths are white and Andrea is black. They live in an interracial neighborhood, they attend an interracial church, and their two children attend an interracial school. They have a stable marriage and financial standing. Which of the following factors may not be considered in determining whether the Dearth’s may adopt Andrea?
5.     What factors are necessary to establish a common law marriage?
6.     The right to marry is constitutionally protected by which clause/clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment?
7.     In which of the following situations has the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may not prohibit marriages?
8.     Under the common law/equitable distribution approach, which of the following property is subject to equitable distribution in the event of a divorce?
9.     Independent adoptions
10.   The city of East Cleveland had a municipal ordinance that regulated who could live together as a family in a single-family dwelling unit. Inez Moore, an elderly grandmother, was convicted of violating the ordinance because she had two grandsons who were cousins living in the same house with her, and that living arrangement could not be considered a single family under the definition of family in the ordinance. She appealed her conviction on constitutional grounds. Which of the following statements is true?

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