Wednesday, February 10, 2016



LEG 110 Week 11 Final Exam Part 2
This exam consist of 30 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapters 7 through 10. 
1.     Jeff moved to a new city and purchased a house. A few weeks after he moved into his new home, he learned that it had been the scene of a gruesome murder and that local legend considered it haunted. Since these facts adversely affected the potential resale price of the house, he wishes to avoid his obligation under the contract based on fraudulent misrepresentation. What remedy would he be seeking if he wanted to set aside the contract for the sale of the house and recoup his purchase price? 
2.     A enters into a contract for the sale of her house to B, to take place as soon as title can be conveyed. However, she dies between execution of the contract and conveyance of the land. Equity declares that B has a right to the house and A’s estate has a right to the purchase price. Which of the following equitable maxims best supports this? 
3.     Hedonic damages are
4.     A repairperson contracted with the possessor of a stolen vehicle for the repair of the car. The repairperson in good faith reasonably concluded that the possessor was the true owner. If recovery is allowed against the true owner for the costs of the repairs on the basis of equitable principles of unjust enrichment, the appropriate remedy would be 
5.     Joe Jones entered into a written contract with Smith Department Store to buy a television for $350. Ten other stores in the area are selling the identical television for $400. Joe attempted to give Smith Department Store the $350, but it refused to go through with the contract. Joe sued Smith Department Store for breach of contract in a court that hears both equity and common law cases. Joe will be awarded 
6.     Pet Ponderosa Memorial Gardens leased 10 acres of land from Memory Gardens to be used as a pet cemetery. This land was adjacent to Memory Gardens’ human cemetery. As part of the lease, the pet cemetery was allowed to use all available water each evening for two hours to develop and maintain its landscaping. Then Memory Gardens abruptly cut off the water supply, and as a result the grass and the other plants were in peril of dying. What remedy should Pet Ponderosa seek to stop Memory Gardens from breaching its contract? 
7.     In an action where there is substantial loss or injury to the plaintiff and where the law recognizes an invasion of his rights or a breach of the defendant’s duty to the plaintiff, the court will award 
8.     An injunction which requires a court, before issuing it, to consider the likelihood of success on the merits and the possibility of irreparable harm if it is not issued is known as a 
9.     Bail is set by 
10.   Assume that a criminal defendant claims that she was the victim of a criminal kidnapping and was forced by her kidnappers to commit the crimes with which she is accused. Assume further that she could prove that she had complied with their demands only because her captors had threatened to kill her if she resisted. What defense would be appropriate for her to adopt at trial? 
11.   Jill is arrested in Idaho for federal crime and is prosecuted in federal court. 
12.   The basic components of a criminal offense do not include proof of 
13.   The accused has a right to the assistance of counsel 
14.   Investigatory detentions (“stop and frisk”) searches 
15.   A specific intent crime whereby a person asks, hires, or encourages another person to commit a crime is the inchoate crime of 
16.   Which of the following crimes requires no proof of causation? 
17.   With respect to decision making within traditional families, which of the following statements is false? 
18.   What factors are necessary to establish a common law marriage? 
19.   Andrea Moorehead was abandoned by her birth mother, a crack cocaine user who had tested positive for venereal disease, shortly after birth. Andrea was placed with foster parents when she was nine days old. The foster parents, Melva and Robert Dearth, sought to adopt Andrea when she was 10 months old. The Dearths are white and Andrea is black. They live in an interracial neighborhood, they attend an interracial church, and their two children attend an interracial school. They have a stable marriage and financial standing. Which of the following factors may not be considered in determining whether the Dearth’s may adopt Andrea? 
20.   In which of the following situations has the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may not prohibit marriages?
21.   Which of the following states has not recognized same­sex marriages? 
22.   Foster care 
23.   A parents’ legal obligation to support a child 
24.   Would this agreement need to be in writing to satisfy the statute of frauds and be enforced? 
25.   Ruby sells her car to Bob. She fails to tell him that the car has been previously wrecked, even though he had asked if it had ever been involved in a collision. If Bob later learns that the car was almost totaled six months prior to the sale and wants to rescind the contract, what would be his best defense to the enforceability of the contract? 
26.   An uncle, in writing, promised his nephew $5,000 if his nephew would refrain from drinking, using tobacco, swearing, and playing cards or billiards for money until the age of twenty­one, all of which was otherwise legal for the nephew to do at the time. The nephew performed as requested. Which of the following statements is true? 
27.   Jesse writes to Nadine, “I’ll pay you $50 if you clean my house by Saturday.” On Friday, Nadine cleaned Jesse’s house as requested. What kind of contract has been formed? 
28.   The agreement to accept something different from what was due under an original contract is called 
29.   A phoned B and offered to sell him “my farm in New Hampshire for $100,000.” B says, “I accept.” A actually owns two farms in New Hampshire. He was referring to his 5­acre farm, whereas B was referring to his 10­acre farm. With regard to the agreement, 
30.   Marie was a famous model. Tempo magazine mailed her an offer to do a five­page photo layout for a new line of swimsuits for $35,000. Marie received the offer January 2. On January 3, Marie mailed Tempo the following note: “I accept. But must have twelve pages devoted to me, and accordingly, $50,000.” Tempo received this note on January 5. On January 6, Marie called them and told them she would do the modeling under the original terms. 

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