Tuesday, February 9, 2016

CIS 175 WEEK 11 QUIZ 10


CIS 175 Week 11 Quiz 10
This quiz consist of 30 multiple choice questions. The first 15 questions cover the material in Chapter 14. The second 15 questions cover the material in Chapter 15. 
1.     A payment from the government to a federal employee is a
2.     Tax equity means that
3.     The first budget surplus since 1969 occurred in
4.     Which of the following is the major tax source of the federal government?
5.     The fears of people concerning the size of government are
6.     A cash payment from the government to an individual, based on need, is an example of a
7.     A tax that is shifted backward is a tax that falls on
8.     A tax that is shifted forward is a tax that falls on
9.     The ability to pay principle of taxation suggests that people with more income should pay more taxes. This means that
10.   The single most important source of tax revenue for the local governments in the United States is the
11.   Vertical equity implies that
12.   Regressive tax rates mean that the ratio of tax collections to income
13.   At the federal level, the largest revenue generating tax is the
14.   According to the equimarginal principle, the efficient level of government expenditures occurs when the benefit of the last dollar spent for each government purchase is
15.   A national crime lab used to prevent criminal activity nationwide is an example of a
16.   If I put extra into a savings account so that I can leave assets to my children to compensate them for their payments into the Social Security system, I am exhibiting which of the following effects?
17.   If people choose to work more hours because the Social Security tax reduces their real wage, their behavior is dominated by the
18.   Government programs that guarantee citizens financial benefits for events beyond their personal control and that are financed through tax revenues are called
19.   If a program's benefits are funded by interest earned on accumulated payments, it is which type of system?
20.   A person with health insurance will tend to
21.   Part A of the Medicare program (Hospital Insurance) is financed primarily by
22.   In a fee-for-service health care system, consumers pay the
23.   "An agreement to pay a premium to a company in return for a guarantee of financial benefits in the event of an undesired circumstance" defines
24.   Which of the following factors has contributed most to the tremendous increase in health care expenditures experience in the U.S. during the past fifty years?
25.   Most of today's college student population will be eligible to receive full Social Security retirement benefits when they reach the age of
26.   The most significant argument against privatizing Social Security is that
27.   The Medicare program
28.   A potential benefit of managed care plans to Medicare enrollees is that these plans 
29.   Part C of the Medicare program (Medicare + Choice)
30.   As originally designed, Social Security was to be financed as a


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