Wednesday, February 10, 2016



LEG 500 Final Exam Part 2
This exam consist of 25 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapters 6 through 9.
1.     According to MIT professor Layzer, the lobbyists for the energy corporations have used which of the following tactics to avoid stricter regulation?
2.     Which piece of legislation was passed first?
3.     According to law professor Thomas Joo, the best group of persons for addressing the environmental concerns facing the world today is:
4.     Shareholder activism includes which of the following?
5.     When environmentalists recognized that politicians were not going to pass stricter legislation and regulations, they changed their tactics to force change.  According to the Layzer article in the chapter, these new tactics included:
6.     Under the ___________ plan, the EPA auctions a set number of sulfur dioxide emission allowances annually, with each allowance permitting one ton of emissions.
7.     The power of the U.S. Government to take property from a private individual and use it for public purposes is:
8.     Of product promotion techniques, which is the most influential according to author Naomi Klein?
9.     According to John Kenneth Galbraith, the theory of consumer demand is based on the following broad assumption(s):
10.   Obesity in children has continued to rise since 1976 and approximately _____ of all teens and youth are overweight.
11.   Identify the true statement(s) regarding freedom of speech:
12.   The “creative revolution” in advertising refers to
13.   According to the plaintiff’s attorney, the primary tactic defense attorneys use to minimize liability is:
14.   The most notable exception to caveat emptor was for
15.   The Ford Pinto exploded when rear-ended by another vehicle.  Of the types of defects a product may have, the Pinto suffered from
16.   According to Stephen Sugarman, performance-based regulation is:
17.   The organization that works with companies on recalls of unsafe products (such as lead-paint laden Thomas the Train toys) is
18.   To win a case in negligence, a plaintiff must prove all but
19.   The Food and Drug Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the National Highway Transportation Safety Association are
20.   In order to obtain a patent under U.S. Patent Law, an inventor must have an invention that is
21.   The difference between the Project Gutenberg (PG) and the Google book scanning project is:
22.   In a lawsuit for copyright infringement, a defendant can avoid liability by successfully arguing _________, based on the notion that the free flow of ideas sometimes requires quoting or borrowing from a copyrighted work.
23.   Once the copyright on a work has expired,
24.   Debora Halbert asserts in her essay that:
25.   Nike’s swoosh, McDonald’s arches, and the Xerox name are all identifiable trademarks. Which of the following laws protect(s) them?

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