Tuesday, February 9, 2016



CIS 359 Week 5 Midterm 
The midterm consists of 50 questions.
1.     When using virtualization, it is commonplace to use the term ____ to refer to a virtualized environment operating in or on a host platform.
2.     A(n) ____ backup only archives the files that have been modified since the last backup.
3.     A(n) ____ is an extension of an organization’s intranet into cloud computing.
4.     RAID 0 creates one logical volume across several available hard disk drives and stores the data using ____, in which data segments are written in turn to each disk drive in the array.
5.     A ____ is commonly a single device or server that attaches to a network and uses TCP/IP-based protocols and communications methods to provide an online storage environment.
6.     A ____ is an agency that provides physical facilities in the event of a disaster for a fee.
7.     A(n) ____ is often included in legal documents to ensure that a vendor is not liable for actions taken by a client.
8.     A resumption location known as a ____ is a fully configured computer facility capable of establishing operations at a moment’s notice.
9.     A ____ is a contractual document guaranteeing certain minimal levels of service provided by a vendor.
10.   The responsibility for creating an organization’s IR plan often falls to the ____.
11.   ____ is the process of systematically examining information assets for evidentiary material that can provide insight into how an incident transpired.
12.   Incident analysis resources include network diagrams and lists of ____, such as database servers.
13.   One of the primary responsibilities of the IRP team is to ensure that the ____ is prepared to respond to each incident it may face.
14.   A(n) ____ is a detailed examination of the events that occurred, from first detection of an incident to final recovery.
15.   The Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition is unique in that it focuses on the operational aspect of managing and protecting an existing network infrastructure. Unlike “capture-the-flag ” exercises, this competition is exclusively a real-world ____ competition.
16.   The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends a set of tools for the CSIRT including incident reporting mechanisms with which users can report suspected incidents. At least one of these mechanisms should permit people to report incidents ____.
17.   The training delivery method with the lowest cost to the organization is ____.
18.   A(n) ____ is the set of rules and configuration guidelines governing the implementation and operation of IDPSs within the organization.
19.   A(n) ____ is any system resource that is placed onto a functional system but has no normal use for that system. If it attracts attention, it is from unauthorized access and will trigger a notification or response.
20.   The use of IDPS sensors and analysis systems can be quite complex. One very common approach is to use an open source software program called ____ running on an open source UNIX or Linux system that can be managed and queried from a desktop computer using a client interface.
21.   A(n) ____ , a type of IDPS that is similar to the NIDPS, reviews the log files generated by servers, network devices, and even other IDPSs.
22.   New systems can respond to an incident threat autonomously, based on preconfigured options that go beyond simple defensive actions usually associated with IDPS and IPS systems. These systems, referred to as ____, use a combination of resources to detect an intrusion and then to trace the intrusion back to its source.
23.   The ____ is a federal law that creates a general prohibition on the realtime monitoring of traffic data relating to communications.
24.   In an attack known as ____, valid protocol packets exploit poorly configured DNS servers to inject false information to corrupt the servers’ answers to routine DNS queries from other systems on that network.
25.   The purpose of the ____ is to define the scope of the CP operations and establish managerial intent with regard to timetables for response to incidents, recovery from disasters, and  reestablishment of operations for continuity.
26.   The first major business impact analysis task is to analyze and prioritize the organization’s business processes based on their relationships to the organization’s ____.
27.   The ____ is an investigation and assessment of the impact that various events or incidents can have on the organization.
28.   One modeling technique drawn from systems analysis and design that can provide an excellent way to illustrate how a business functions is a(n) ____.:
29.   The ____ is used to collect information directly from the end users and business managers.
30.   The ____ job functions and organizational roles focus on costs of system creation and operation, ease of use for system users, timeliness of system creation, and transaction response time.
31.   Which of the following collects and provides reports on failed login attempts, probes, scans, denial-of-service attacks, and detected malware?
32.   Within an organization, a(n) ____ is a group of individuals who are united by shared interests or values and who have a common goal of making the organization function to meet its objectives.
33.   The elements required to begin the ____ process are a planning methodology; a policy environment to enable the planning process; an understanding of the causes and effects of core precursor activities, and access to financial and other resources.
34.   ____ is a risk control approach that attempts to shift the risk to other assets, other processes, or other organizations.
35.   A ____ deals with the preparation for and recovery from a disaster, whether natural or man-made.
36.   The term ____ refers to a broad category of electronic and human activities in which an unauthorized individual gains access to the information an organization is trying to protect.
37.   ____ of risk is the choice to do nothing to protect an information asset and to accept the outcome of its potential exploitation.
38.   A(n) ____ is an investigation and assessment of the impact that various attacks can have on the organization.
39.   A ____ attack seeks to deny legitimate users access to services by either tying up a server’s available resources or causing it to shut down.
40.   Information assets have ____ when authorized users - persons or computer systems - are able to access them in the specified format without interference or obstruction.
41.   The ____ illustrates the most critical characteristics of information and has been the industry standard for computer security since the development of the mainframe.
42.   ____ is the process of examining, documenting, and assessing the security posture of an organization’s information technology and the risks it faces.
43.   A CSIRT model that is effective for large organizations and for organizations with major computing resources at distant locations is the ____.
44.   The CSIRT should be available for contact by anyone who discovers or suspects that an incident involving the organization has occurred. Some organizations prefer that employees contact a ____, which then makes the determination as to whether to contact the CSIRT or not.
45.   Those services undertaken to prepare the organization or the CSIRT constituents to protect and secure systems in anticipation of problems, attacks, or other events are called ____.
46.   The ____ flow of information needed from the CSIRT to organizational and IT/InfoSec management is a critical communication requirement.
47.   The champion for the CSIRT may be the same person as the champion for the entire IR function—typically, the ____.
48.   A key step in the ____ approach to incident response is to discover the identify of the intruder while documenting his or her activity.
49.   In the absence of the assigned team manager, the ____ should assume authority for overseeing and evaluating a provided service.
50.   Giving the IR team the responsibility for ____ is generally not recommended.


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